There are thousands and thousands of dogs, cats, kittens, puppies, birds, etc., that need good homes. While it is nice to buy from a breeder, we here at Dog Names Woof hope you consider adopting a pet from a local humane society. All the dogs we personally own were adopted from animal shelters, and they are the best animal companions you could ever have.
To help you find that perfect pet, please use our Find A Pet Search to show you available dogs and cats in your area, or use the links under dog adoption organizations located below, and take home a dog or cat that will love you forever for it!
Dog & Pet Adoption Organizations
Pets 911 - Pet adoptions thru local animal shelters
Search our amazing database filled with pictures of adoptable animals in your community.
Pet Finder.Com - Adopt a pet and help an animal shelter rescue a puppy or kitten.
Petfinder is an on-line, searchable database of animals that need homes. It is also a directory of over 9,000 animal shelters and adoption organizations across the USA, Canada and Mexico. Organizations maintain their own home pages and available pet database.