Ok, Murphy is going in to get her teeth cleaned in two weeks. A few of you were kind of enough to either make a comment or email me more information about what to do about Murphy's teeth.
With so much information, I am going to add an article or two just about teeth to the
Health & Training Tips section of the
Dog Names Woof Site.
Until I get those written, here is what a Certified Veterinary Nurse Susan Allen had to say:
Get your dog's teeth cleaned at least once a year, and if you can afford it, every 6 months. It's so important, because as the gums get inflamed (due to excess tarter) they bleed, and then bacteria from the tarter enters the bloodstream. This contributes to problems with the heart and kidneys, amongst other things. Really!
I can't brush a dog's teeth . . I don't thing most people really can. I noticed recently that Foster and Smith is carrying some sort of cleansing pad that you just wipe your dog's teeth with. That might really help.
If you have cats
DON'T use it on them . . . it contains chlorhexidine, which can slough a cat's tongue - I nearly wrote to the company, because they are recommending it for cats too and they shouldn't.
Also, greenies and other dental chews can help. Rawhide chewing helps. If you dog eats both wet and dry food, give them a good quality dry food - so they have to chew a bit - and mix in just a little wet food for taste. With Murphy, her little teeth might be sore. . .you may have to use some kibble with tiny bites. I know Iams and Science Diet both carry some. Iams you can get in the grocery store.
Some people get a dental tool called a scaler and pick the tarter from the dog's teeth.
DON'T do that. When you pick at the teeth, you leave microscopic little nicks, which actually invite tarter to accumulate - so you actually do more harm than good.
At the vet's they use a polisher after they scale the teeth, to remove the nicks - just like your dentist does. Leave scaling up to them.
Finally, just know that some dogs, like some people, are just prone to bad teeth. No matter what you do. The trick is to keep up on it, so that bacteria isn't entering the bloodstream all the time.
So. .. crunchy food, dental treats, regular cleaning. That is really all you can do.