Monday, December 22, 2008

German Male Dog Names

This week's German Male Dog Name Is:


Because it's Christmas this week and the name Rudolph is heard quite often in connection with the reindeer, I thought it would be fun to point out that the name Rudolph is German in origin and he was a famous wolf!

It originated from the German “Hrodwulf,” which was a combination of “hrod” meaning "fame" and “wulf” meaning "wolf.”

The name belonged to King Rudolf Duke of Burgundy (923-936), King Rudolf I (1273-1291) and King Rudolf II (1576-1612) of the Holy Roman Empire and King Rudolf II of Hungary (1572-1608).

This week, the name Rudolph is for a 3 year old male Doberman Pinscher.

Rudolph's nickname is: Dolphberman and if that doesn't make him unique enough, he is also an albino which really makes his red nose stand out!

He loves to run and is very intellectual as he loves to chew on the book Chicken Soup For The Dog Lovers Soul!

For more German Male Dog Names go to our main website at: Dog Names Woof

To have your dog's name and picture featured here, email the information to: Weekly Dog Names blog We look forward to hearing from you!


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Unique Dog Names

This week's Unique Dog Name is:


Arvo is a 5 year old male Karelian Bear Dog whose nickname is: Mr. Furry!

His favorite toy is a white alligator squeaker toy, and his best trick is spotting deer and running after them.

Arvo is a pound rescue dog, and is a great protector and good to have on a hike.

Note from the Owner: If you hike extensively in bear country, a Karelian could save your life. They are one of the few breeds that will stand up to an aggressive bear, using a combination of bravery and agility to stop a bear attack. They're also smart enough to break off an attack on a bear and retrace their steps to find their master. In short, a perfect wilderness dog.

For more Unique Dog Names go to our main website at: Dog Names Woof

To have your dog's name and picture featured here, email the information to: Weekly Dog Names blog We look forward to hearing from you!


Thursday, December 04, 2008

Favorite Girl Dog Name

This week's Favorite Girl Dog Name is:


Willow is a 4 year old female Scottish Deerhound whose nickname is Wimbalina.

She loves to listen to herself bark and play soccer, but oddly enough she doesn't like to walk in puddles of water!

Willow's favorite treat is cheese and her best trick is to sleep all day long.

For more Favorite Girl Dog Names go to our main website at: Dog Names Woof

To have your dog's name and picture featured here, email the information to: Weekly Dog Names blog We look forward to hearing from you!
