Posts Tagged ‘Separation Anxiety’


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5 Top Separation Anxiety Cures for Dogs – 25. April, 2014

Separation Anxiety is very common in dogs. When dogs are left alone they suffer with severe panic symptoms and become so distressed showing destructive behavior such as howling, barking, licking and chewing themselves which causes physical harm to their bodies.  Becoming a dog owner is an important step to take. Teaching your dog as a puppy a balance of becoming independent to be left alone for certain amounts of time and for you to be a good companion to your dog should be a priority.

1-      Tolerate Staying Alone – As you teach your dog to stay alone you should start with short amounts of time for a few days so you will be able to see if there is any sign of anxiety then gradually add more time. Short intervals will help your dog not have a setback and get anxious and accept this as a normal part of life. Learning that you are the pack leader and you make the decisions, your dog will then be confident that you will return.

2-      Independence and Self Assurance – Dogs need to learn to balance solitude, companionship and to respect their pack leader. Learning to survive by himself, teach your dog not to follow you around by telling him “Down” and “Stay.” If you are watching television or talking on the phone, tell him “Down” on his blanket and “Stay.” When you are ready to interact with him reward him by playing with his favorite toy.

3-      Leaving and Coming Home Showing No Excitement – The best thing to do for your dog is to make leaving and returning a very uneventful time. No emotional “Good bye” or “Hello, I missed you.” It would greatly benefit your dog if you avoid eye contact and say nothing and completely ignore him for up to twenty minutes before your leave and upon your return home. Your dog should be calm then you can let him come out of his safe location, and while you stay calm praise and pet him quietly. If there are any signs of being anxious, continue ignoring him until he is fully relaxed and calm.

4-      Safe Environment – Choose a room that is well lit, safe, comforting and has familiar family smells such as a family room or a kitchen for your dog’s home alone place. Use a strong baby gate if there is no door to block the entrance. Safety proof the room by keeping plants out of reach, latch cabinets, and keep windows closed as dogs can tear through screens and jump through opened windows. Remove items that your dog would destroy such as collectables, baskets, shoes and tablecloths so they are not tempted to chew.

5-      Mental and Physical Stimulation – A continuous playing CD with calm music, classical music or sounds of the ocean with quiet music in the background is great to keep your dog calm. Play the music when you are home so your dog is familiar with it and will relax while you are away. Stimulating and safe toys are a must to keep him content and occupy his day. Chew toys that are safe, and of course his favorite toys that he loves will comfort him and make his day more enjoyable. There are Kong-type toys that are hollow and can be stuffed with treats such as carrots, and kibbles that will keep your dog occupied for a long time, and Buster Cube and Kong can feed your dog his complete meal.

Time and patience to overcome anxiety with your dog along with security in their environment, and having confidence in you and themselves will make your dog stress free and give him a well balanced life.

Photo credit: Espen Faugstad/Flickr

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5 Tips on Helping Your Rescue Dog Adapt to Their New Environment – 5. March, 2014

You have made a great decision choosing to adopt a rescue dog. The experience of sharing your home and heart with a rescue dog will be truly rewarding. These precious dogs may have experienced life as a stray, been abused by their owner, moved around from one foster home to another or their family gave them up.

1-      Plan Ahead – The change in your dog’s environment will be stressful as he leaves the shelter and you bring him into a loving and safe home. You have to guide him calmly as he tries to adapt to this big change in his life. The adjustment period will be easier if you have your home ready with the important supplies needed for the first week that your dog is home. Choose a safe place for your dog’s water and food bowls where he is not in the way and will not be disturbed while he eats. The shelter should give you any important information about the health of your dog such as allergies or any medication he may be taking, as well as the kind of food he is used to eating. Your dog’s digestive system is very delicate so you should change his food slowly if you need to. For your dog’s safety, have a harness that fits him properly along with a five to six foot leash that is sturdy, and decide if you want to use a microchip or tags in case he gets lost. Have the phone numbers for your animal hospital and veterinarian and a pet first aid kit close at hand for emergencies.

2-      Prepare your Home – Secure any areas that could be a hazard using a barrier, or install gates. Deciding where you want your dog to sleep is very important. Do you want him to sleep with you? This makes for a life-long commitment, building a special bond that makes your dog feel loved and secure. Or have him enjoy a special bed of his own. Decide where your dog will stay while you are away from home and make this place secure and safe for him. Make your dog feel comfortable when he arrives by showing him spaces you want him to be in with bedding and toys to play with and reward him with a treat. Adjusting to a new home will take time, usually six to eight weeks, so try to avoid having a houseful of people over for several days keeping your schedule free until he gets used to his new home.

3-      Communication – Reward your dog with treats and praise if he does something good letting him know he should continue this behavior. Then if your dog does something that you do not want him to repeat such as chewing on your shoes replace them with a bone to chew on or a toy. You should never use fear, force or pain to communicate with you dog.

4-      Separation Anxiety – Practice doing your everyday activities before you leave home, so your dog will not feel that you are leaving him alone. Going out for small amounts of time is a good thing to do to. It will cause your dog a lot of stress if you leave him for eight hours at first. Always have treats and toys for him so he feels calm. Your greetings when you leave and come home should be relaxed so his anxiety level is at a minimum.

5-      Patience – Adjustment to your dog’s forever home could take up to a couple of months. It may take a little while for him to feel like your dog, just relax it will happen. Your dog will give you signs that are easy to recognize when he needs to be alone, or if he is uncomfortable. He needs time to feel at ease with family and friends so advise them to let your dog come over to them when he is ready and be sure to always give him treats as his reward.

Photo credit: Jakub Halun/Wikimedia