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Recently Added dog Names

dog's Name Photo The Story Behind the Name
Diesel Diesel the black lab puppy

My dog's nam is Diesel because we were going to get some gas thinking of what we were gonna name our dog and we thought Diesl is a cool dog name so we named him that.

Alexie cuteness is overflowing

the name is cute

Tuff Headerman Whitsel He is the most beautiful Bluenose Pitt!!!

He is named after legendary bull rider "Tuff Headerman"

Chet Chet the clumsy dog

Named after the clumsy deer in Santa Claus 2, we got him after we saw the movie for the first time, the young children in the family thought of it. The reindeer was young but when Santa needed him he was there. Over the years Chet was that reliable friend to our family that we needed. He was there by my wife's side when she was suffering Cancer as well as when anyone in the family when they were ill. We said goodbye to Chet this past year after 14 years but he will live in our hearts forever.

maxy Maxy Pad world's best friend

Always wanting a dog named Max I decided to finally put it to use when I found my dog sox years ago, an abandoned puppy, I did not think to look at her gender and by the time I realized she was not a male she was used to Max so I changed it to Maxy. She has since acquired the name Maxy Pad

June Carter (or JuneBug) June Carter

When we got her she like a mini piranha. we tried naming her piranha but it didn't fit. so we were watching a movie and all of the sudden my mom was like" JUNE CARTER" and I was like "what?". "June carter, Thats what we should name the dog. "

Harriet Harriet the Westie

Our West Highland White Terrier was named Harriet by the pet store and we decided to keep it. It was quite appropriate because she was very curious (nosy, some would say) so she ended up being called "Harriet the Spy" after the kids' book and movie series.

Marley Rescue sheltie

Marley, a rescue Shetland Sheep dog, was my dear companion for twelve years. Smart, sweet, mellow. What a great dog!

Tipper Tipper for white tips!

Tipper was named because she has all white tips on her body. White feet, and a white tip of her tail! It is a cute girl name and we also call her Tip or Tippy for short. Totally suits a sweet, happy go lucky girl!

Nakiska Nakiska the mountain dog!

Nakiska is my lab/shepherd/rotti mix's name. I got the idea from when I lived in Alberta at the base of a mountain and ski hill called Nakiska. We call her Kiska for short. I think it's a great girl name!

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