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Recently Added dog Names

dog's Name Photo The Story Behind the Name
Skitch My white chinned Poodle.

During the 80's, on the Nite Show,there was a band leader named Skitch Henderson, he had a white beard (small) sometimes know as a gotee. Our new miniature poodle had a white patch of hair on his chin, so I named him Skitch after this band leader. It was fast and easy to call him and I have not heard this name since.

Hoover The vacuum cleaner

My dog Hoover chews EVERYTHING & ANYTHING!! So obviously his name is Hoover.

Rooby Rooby-Rooby-Roo

The name Ruby, but spelled like what Scooby-Doo would say, "Rooby-Roo".

Fender Musical Dog

Fender is a top brand of musical instruments, specializing in Electric Guitars. I have played guitar since I was 5, and when I got my first dog I noticed that he had the same colors as of one of my Electric Guitars, it was a Fender guitar. So I named my dog Fender, and he seems to enjoy my music as well.

reecie dog

We got our dog with this name

Unique dog name for a male

Pronounced (vee chee) I came up with it for my Coton de Tulear. I wanted something different and fun.
Everyone loves it!!

Osiris The Happiest Puppy I Have Ever Met

Osiris is the Egyptian god of death and ressurection and barley. Osiris or Si, is my one and half year old puppy. He is half mini aussie and half rat terrier. Si is one of the best dogs I have ever met or could have asked for. That little dog always have just a smile of pure joy and happiness on his face. I bought him with my high school graduation money, he was 12 weeks old. My boyfriend and I love him with all of our hearts, he is my little baby!:)

Paisley The p!

I have a
Dog and a cat named pracila and presley! So I thought paisley would be the perfect fit for the next family member

Chloe Beautiful Dogs

"How beautiful is a dog? What is the story behind them that is hidden from the rest? Can we speak or and connect with dog and other animals? Dogs are very beautiful. They stand out above all the other animals. That was our short, quick, beautiful answer. Our response. My response. The story is they are all different and not just on the outside. There are still some secrets hidden that we can not possibly fin out even though we seek for knowledge. We can speak or connect with animals. True. We can talk to them. They can understand you and help you through tough problems of any not speak back. Sometimes they understand some words because you said them a lot. "

Timber Timber

2 years ago, my puppy found me at a rescue shelter. The 2 month old half-Chihuahua / half-Pomeranian had reddish coloring - he looked just like a fox. I wanted to call him something woodsy (Fox just didn't fit him). I closed my eyes and thought of a forest. I opened my eyes and looked at him - immediately I said "Timber" and he smiled at me!! So for two years, my Timber has been by my side. Of course he is more like an impish wood-nymph - but he's my ornery but loving Timber!

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