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Recently Added dog Names

dog's Name Photo The Story Behind the Name
Sweetie How we decided to name her sweetie

When we adopted her her name was Sweet Pea. We didn't know what to name her then we just started calling her sweetie and I guess that's how we gave her the name sweetie .

Ozwald My Pug-a Poo

No real story to it - just thought my baby pug-a-poo looked like an Ozwald - Ozzy for short <3. I liked music by Ozzy Osbourne so kind of named him after the singer. Six years on and he still wears Ozwald well lol.

Boomerang Boomerangs name

After coming back from Australia; we happened upon an Aussie Cattle dog & an Aussie shepherd mix. We decided to name him with an Australian theme.- Boomerang (Boomer for short)

Meeko Meeko's Name

His name was Milo originally, but we didn't think that, that name suited him. It was then that we decided to change it to Meeko (The loyal dog from the game Skyrim/ the helpful raccoon from Pocahontas)

Just a Minute Just-a-Minute!

My friend had just lost her dog Doby, and was so sad she did not want another dog. A friend showed up at her home, and introduced her to a little black dog...My friend did not want to even bond with this little girl, and whenever she was urged to interact with the dog, she would say "Just a minute.." and not try to make friends with the little dog. Pretty soon the dog started to answer to Just a minute! So that became her name...She answered to Justa, Minute, and "Just a Minute" for the rest of her life with my friend!

Jager Jumpin' Jack Flash

My amazing rescue dog is named Jager. He got the name because when I come home he jumps upwards of 5 feet in the air to show me how happy he is to see me. This made me think of "Jumpin' Jack Flash", that is obviously too long but then I looked at his amazing loving face, the only way that energy could be exemplified is with the name "Jager"! He is a pitbull/bully mix, with a ton of energy, love, excitement and always putting on a performance. We love him so much and at times yes he can be a handful, but I couldn't have found a better companion,because he found me!


Riddick New found friend

We needed a companion for our 7 year old Siberian Huskie named Opal since she was very despondent with the loss of a 2 year friend Eskimo spitz male named Chase.
We were advised by our Vet to find a companion for her.
We found Riddick, a 2 year old Alaskan Huskie at our local humane society and adopted him.
He became a great friend and playmate for her.
The new dog is:-

Full of energy
extremely playful
a real hole digger
very vocal

Riddick is a wonderful companion for Opal and we wouldn't give him up for the world.
The previous owner had to give him up since they were moving out of the country.

Betty Poop Betty-Poop great name if shoe fits

Picked up dog at City Dog Pound. About 2-3 yrs old. Needed to find a name for Her. Started by calling out names to see if she responded to anything. She actually reacted to Betty... The Poop came in as she was not house broke when I first got her home. So Betty-Poop seemed like a fitting name.

Tiggles Cute.

I used to know a cat called tigger and I was thinking of a name for my new dog and then i was just tiggles seems like a nice name so we used it.

Dolley Dolley

Dolley Madison was the fourth first lady of the United States, she single handedly saved all the important documents and a portrait of the late George Washington from a burning white house. Probably one of the cooler Founding Mothers and first ladies.

Wanting a strong female name for our strong little lady, Dolley fit like a glove!

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