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Recently Added dog Names

dog's Name Photo The Story Behind the Name
Hamish Happy Hamish

Hamish is a mixed breed with a very cheeky face.
He was a stray dog living in the wilds of Barbados when I met him and he decided to follow me around. He is blonde and quite fluffy by Barbados dog standards, so when I took him home with me to look after him and needed to find a name I decided on Hamish. I wanted a Scottish name (as I am Scottish) and he is happy, hairy and hyper. So Hamish Suited him! Lots of people remark on both his looks and name. He's a terrier by nature and when looking his best often mistaken for a golden retriever puppy. A rare combination!

Sunny sunny

my favorite flower is a sunflower and i thought of naming my dog sunflower. to me, sunflower sounded like a stupid name so i thought of calling her sunny. and that is how my little baby got her name.

Trestle Athletic awesome dog name.

Trestle is a mountain bike park in Colorado. Our dog, Trestle, is a mountain biking dog.

Evie (pronounced like "ee-vee" Evie

I decided on the name before my pug puppy Evie arrived because I always thought the name was cute. As soon as she got here, I realized it is the perfect name for her. It's very cute and girly.

Journey Journey the deerhead Jackuahuah

We lost our 14 year old son Thomas George to Children's Cancer on June 17th 2014. We bought a motorhome and live in it now. We got this Deerhead Chihuahua and Jack Russell mix puppy 9 weeks old. I posted on Facebook to see if anyone had any ideas for a name for our new little black puppy. An old friend from high school suggested Journey. Thomas was so happy that he was in the marching band and they played "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey. It's a very special song to us even it's meaning that we went with the name Journey. This journey of child loss is the worst. Our puppy is our pet therapy and our unconditional love. Journey is a great name for a dog.

Domino Domino a cook black and white name

Black and white. First time I saw him at 6 weeks old he looked like a domino with 4 dots

Cash MY DOG CASH....

Cash was a black Labrador / Collie cross.... We couldn't pick a name.... He went to my CDs and there was his name CASH .... Sadly we lost him after nearly 14 years.... MY DOG CASH...

Lily Lily

My dog looks like a lily

Sox My Dog Sox

When we got Sox as a little puppy, he was black with 2 tan feet so we called him sox.

Khanna Beautiful

We were told it was Arabic for beautiful and she is.

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