This week’s German Male Dog Name Is:
In German, Aldo means "Wise One."
Aldo is a 5 year old male Rottweiler whose nicknames are: Goober, Bubs, and Stinkie pot
He loves to give people big wet kisses, and if you’re not careful, he’ll get you on the mouth!
Aldo also loves to chew on rope, the wheel barrel tire, sticks, and to play tug.
He’ll eat anything raw…chicken, marrow bones, hamburger, apples and carrots, but his favorite thing to do is to go for a walk in the country off leash so he can smell lots of good smells!
Aldo’s best trick is his ability to jump really high from a sitting position to about 6 feet (2 m) in the air!
For more German Male Dog Names go to our main website at: Dog Names Woof
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