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Recently Added dog Names

dog's Name Photo The Story Behind the Name
Rocket Rocket

We named him Rocket because he was fast as a puppy and couldn't catch him when we took him to pee in the back yard!

rebus rebus on the case

rebus is the name of the fiesty, independent, detective in Ian Rankin's (scottish author) series of mysteries

Pawdro The last Juan

He's Mexican and he has paws c:

Creedence Creedence and Elvira

Wanted a name you don't hear all the time but most knew what he was named after so I came up with "Creedence" after the band in the 60's & 70's. Now I have a new kitten who I named "Elvira" the mistress of the dark. Others like the names especially "Creedence". He is a Ger.Shepard. and "Elvira" is a long haired Calico.

Our Cool Husky !!

Fleury is a Siberian husky named after
The Fleury wine Company in Napa , Ca
That my husband and I enjoyed visiting so much !!

Keva Our Dog , Keva

We were going to buy her however never had the money till the following day , they said they would keep her for us till the next day at 5 pm . Went home and 2 hours later got an email saying they changed their minds because their 6 year old didn't want to part with her . I was very angry said many things I shouldn't have said ? Next day I sent her an email and apologized for what I said and also stated if they ever changed their mind to please consider us . A month past then one day got another email . If we still wanted her come in the next half hour . We got her and ask ppl to help name her . A friend suggested to take the first 2 letters of our names so we are ken and val so Keva . We rescued her from a family of a 6 year old boy a mother and father also 2 cats and 2 other dogs .

renesmee My New Puppy

I had just gotten a new puppy and I had alot of the usual names to call dogs. But I wanted a unique human name which I thought of Renesmee. Alot of pet owners treat their pets as one of the family so why not have a human name.

Seven Cutest

She is my seventh dog :-)

Tupac Famous Dog Names

My late hubbys favorite rapper.He was half Chesapeake Bay Retriever and American Staffordshire.

DoDo and Kci lovely cute yorkies

they are cute and royality

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