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Recently Added dog Names

dog's Name Photo The Story Behind the Name
Barker barker the rat terrier mix.

Barker is a family name as well as a descriptive name. A small mixed breed rat terrier that barks all the time.

Xena loveable name

Dean is a very nice name and I just love my dog because of its own beautiful name

sheinee sheinee ray

I got her 4 my son he was around 5 I ask him baby what do u wanna name ur doggie He said he man n I replied son u have a little girl ,it's a she n he said he she she he ,oh I know mommy ,sheinee

deogie What do you call your dog?

Phonetic spelling for DOG.

Zaf How I chose my dogs name..

The way I came across the name 'Zaf' for my pup was through the Twilight movies. In the last film one of the characters is called 'Zafrina' and she lives in the amazon and is a hunter. So, with me working my dogs I needed something no one else on the shoot has as my first dog is called 'Poppy' and is probably one of the most common names! I took the name 'Zafrina' and shortened it to 'Zaf'. I chose this name before I even chose which puppy I was going to keep. That's how much I loved the name. Luckily, when I picked her it suited her and stuck!

Colt Why Colt is a great name for your dog

Colt - named after the gun COLT47. It is a great name for a tough dog that is big. My dog is named Colt. His former owners named him because he was big and strong. It really reflects a tough personality and can fit any age. It is best if the dog is big so that it reflects more. A quick example is that my Colt is a German Shepherd. Good luck with your cute and strong loving Colt.

Beemer Beemer

I couldn't find a male German name I liked, so, (being in the car business), turned to German made cars, and came up with "Beemer" in lieu of BMW. My grandson decided that the BMW stood for "Baron Madagascar Wiener".

HoneyJude Honeyjude'so Lucky Name

It's a nice name plus HoneyJude died at 20 years old all honeyjude died at that time IT WAS A DOG!

Bud My best friend

I was ten years old when I adopted my dog from my local animal shelter. I decided when I got in the car her name would be Bud. The name Bud isn't really a name for a girl dog but I didn't care. She was my best friend. I named her Bud because she was my buddy,my friend. Bud was short for Buddy. I adopted her in 2010 and she died in 2015 when she was hit by a car. We spent many years together and she was one of the best things that ever happened to me. She got her name by being my friend and because I didn't want her to have a cutesy name. That name had a lot of meaning to me so that's another reason why her name is what it is.

Jess .....

Just fitted her perfectly

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